Guttinn Reborn: Making them SUPER turns

Guttinn Reborn is building the popular super turns so he can turn on the spot up to 65°.

Ingólfur, the driver and owner, has been designing a brand new swivel ball made out of two RCV ball joints. The axle housing  itself is made out of 9” Ford, donated from NASCAR, which Ingólfur has straightened out after being brutally used through last season. 😉

In the last track in Dyersburg last October, Ingólfur was too eager to get to the top of the hill. He flipped in mid air and unfortunately landed on the front roll bar which caused it to bend profusely so he has to fix that and in the meanwhile he’ll move it a bit backwards so his view up the hills will be much better than it was/is.

The engine has been a great friend which delivers 1000+ HP each and every time so the team won’t have to do much more than changing the oil, as goes for the transmission.

The axles are in the making and will keep track of the build so make sure to stay tuned 😉

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