Detailed description
The Driver;
Fjölnir’s enthusiasm has been with him since he was a toddler. He had gone on competition here and there and always wondered how it would be like racing himself. In January 2017 he went for it and bought his very first car that went by the name Iron Maiden making his year long dream come true. His plan for his first competition was to gain 700 points and not the be in the last place. For his first time racing, which was on Akureyri 2017 he made quite the impression in the very first track where he did a almost full 360 in mid air! He is surely the one to beat when he returns under the wheel yet again.
The Car;
The car was named Iron Maiden before Fjölnir bought it in January 2017 and was build back in 1997 by a man called Helgi Schiöth and it’s very first name was “Frissi Fríski”. Previous owner, Leó Viðar Björnsson, purchased the car in 2002. No major changes were made in the car itself in Leó’s possession, only few adjustments to keep the car under all rules and regulations that have developed throughout the years. However in the winter of 2017 – 2018 Fjölnir and his team have put the car through some major changes to fit their own vision of how the car should look like.
The car was named Iron Maiden before Fjölnir bought it in January 2017 and was build back in 1997 by a man called Helgi Schiöth and it’s very first name was “Frissi Fríski”. Previous owner, Leó Viðar Björnsson, purchased the car in 2002. No major changes were made in the car itself in Leó’s possession, only few adjustments to keep the car under all rules and regulations that have developed throughout the years. However in the winter of 2017 – 2018 Fjölnir and his team have put the car through some major changes to fit their own vision of how the car should look like.