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Stapafell 2018: Program

PROGRAM:  07:00 Pit Opens 07:00 Car Inspection 09:15 Short meeting with contestants 10:15 Inspection finishes 10:55 Race cars set up at gate   11:00 Competition begins 13:00 Break for 20 min (after 2nd track) 17:00 Est competition finish 17:05 Results Published 17:45 Reward ceremony in the pit     DAGSKRÁ: 07:00 Pittur opnar 07:00 Skoðun

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The season has officially started. Flugbjörgunarsveitin á Hellu flagged in the summer at 11:00 am this morning. We had 6 tracks for each class and 20 drivers that showed up. The race went on smoothly and all according to plan and it was brilliant to see that it was well over 5000 spectators. The tracks

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Hella 2018: Confirmed Drivers

Akstursíþróttanefnd Umf Heklu í samstarfi við Flugbjörgunarsveitina á Hellu kynnir1. umf. íslandsmótsins í torfæru verður haldin á Hellu þann 12 maí. 2018 Keyrðar verða 6 brautir í sandi, vatni og mýriStaðsetning er á hefðbundnu svæði F.B.S.H. rétt austan Hellu. Nánari upplýsingar er hægt að finna á facebook eða hér í Events **ENGLISH** 1st round of

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