2017 season COMING UP (VIDEO)

As of today we have 10 weeks until the 2017 season starts and we believe it will be quite memorable.

Not only has the reigning champion, Snorri Þór Árnason sold his car, but we have many other new-comers this season. We have the drifter, Birgir Sigurðsson on “the Doctor”, we have Elías Guðmundsson on the Norwegian car “Rodeo”, Fjölnir Guðmannsson on his “Grand Cherokee”. Not only do we have the noobs but we will see Haukur Viðar Einarsson on his new build, Þór Þormar on the winning vehicle “Thor” and we’ll see old legends come back!

We’ll have 5 rounds in the Icelandic Championship all over the country starting with the famous courses of HELLA where there will be attempts on Guðbjörn’s world record.
The NEZ championship will be hosted in Ler, Norway in August where our Icelandic Vikings will try to snatch up the Gold.

And of course we’ll visit the great USA next autumn again for the 2nd annual FO USA where our Icelandic custom made vehicles will face the Rock Bouncers in the steep hills of Bikini Bottoms Off-Road Park.

Over all, the 2017 season will be EPIC. 

We thank Jakob Cecil for his tribute.
